Irish Open



Dedicated parking spaces for Blue Badge holders will be available adjacent to Car Park 2.  You are requested to follow the yellow AA event signage which will direct.  Your Blue Badge must be clearly displayed at all times.  Please email [email protected] in advance of your visit in order to obtain a pass for Car Park 2. 


Personal Assistants 

If you need a personal assistant to attend the event with you, the DP World Tour offers a complimentary carer ticket to customers with disability who have purchased a ticket.  To request a carers ticket please contact the call centre on:  +44 (0)1344 840550 or by emailing: [email protected] 

Proof of eligibility is required. 


Are wheelchairs allowed on site at the Championship?  

Wheelchairs and other motorised chairs are allowed on the tournament grounds should you like to bring them.  

Golf carts and other motorised vehicles will not be available to rent or use during the tournament week. A dedicated roped off, wheelchair viewing area, will be positioned at the front of the 18th and beside the 1st tee.  Disabled toilet facilities are located at the public catering areas in The Village. 


Mobility Vehicle Hire 

There will be no mobility vehicles for hire during the Horizon Irish Open.  Spectators are welcome to use their personal mobility vehicles. 



Is there a Public Crèche?  

There will not be a public crèche at this venue. 

There is a baby changing facility within the disabled toilet at the public catering area by the Championship Village. 


Can I bring a child’s buggy/pushchair?

Yes you can. However please be aware of uneven terrain.  Children should always be accompanied by an adult. 

The ground is uneven and particularly under wet conditions the ground may become slippery therefore appropriate footwear should be worn to avoid injury. 


Are dogs permitted to the course? 

Dogs are not permitted on the course with the exception of trained assistance guide dogs, and we respectfully suggest that you do not leave your pet in the car.